jueves, 13 de agosto de 2009

New friends of Beach Tennis I have meet in Italy

I want to do a special mention to the most important to me relationed with the world of Beach Tennis and this is the new friends that you do.
Friends from different countries as the symphatic Oiane, Patrice Bang, the nice Manuela Amiard, Laurie Cadel, Yankell Clavery, Lionel Bartolini, Vincent. They come from France, some of them from Reunion Islands.
Friends from Italy as Roberto my couple in over 40, his son Andrea. The great player Michele Del Pasqua. The incosbustible Nicoletta. The worker Iván. The beautiful daughter of my friend William Forcellini and his wife. The dreamer Gabriella Strizzi.
Friends from USA as Adrienne Cerra, Rick Simeon, Jan Macko, Kim.
And organizers of Beach Tennis events as Jim Lorenzo, Bellettini, Jochem Ros, José Carlos O.Araujo.

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