sábado, 9 de enero de 2010

Nexts articles to write in January 2010

0. Apologize because I couldn´t to write recently.
1. Results Men´s Draw Spain´s Championship.
2. Champions of Spain 2009 in women: Isabel Fernández y Silvia Arroyo.
3. Last tournament of year 2009 in Arucas in Canary Islands.
4. Last tournament of year in Europe in Prague on December.
5. The nice tournaments that taked place in Austria this summer.
6. The first tournament in Canary Islands , 9-10 January.
7. The best couple in the world in the last year 2009: Alex Mingozzi and Matteo Marighella, the
invincible couple.
8. The origin of AGB.( Beach Tennis Players Association ).
9. The international event of Beach Tennis in Canary Islands since 21 to 25 of April.
10. Tribute to ApPROBA to promote Beach Tennis in Canary Islands.
11. The voice of David Guillén in http://www.allbeachtennis.com/
12. The union of Balears islands, Canary Islands, Catalonia and Melilla.
13. The power´s service of Alejandro Hernández jumping as Yankell Clavery.
14. Tribute to the fair play in the most of the players of Beach Tennis.
15. Tribute to the perfect gentleman of Beach Tennis: Antonio Yus.
16. The high progression of some players as Miguel Mena, ecc.
17. Tribute to the player that always is available in helping: Román Acosta.
18. Tribute to Alex Mompó: the ambassador of Balears Islands.
19. Tribute to Antonio Ridao: the ambassador of Melilla.

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