viernes, 24 de julio de 2009

Representación canaria y española en el Campeonato del Mundo en Italia en Riccione

Octavio, Antomi, Nino, Antonio, Aroa, Arancha y Noa

Éste es el equipo representantivo de Canarias que junto con Baleares va a representar a España en el campeonato del mundo de Beach Tennis en Riccione del 27 de Julio al 3 de Agosto.
Son dos parejas masculinas y una pareja femenina que junto con la mánager Aroa tendrán que disputar 5 encuentros, dobles masculinos, dobles femeninos, individual masculino, individual femenino y dobles mixtos.
Queremos constatar contra los demás países cómo el beach tennis está creciendo en calidad y consolidándose en Canarias al igual que otras regiones de España que son muy potentes en beach tennis como son la comunidad de Catalunya y las islas Baleares, sin dejar atrás a regiones como Galicia y Asturias en la que también se está despuntando en los últimos años como la ciudad autónoma de Melilla, donde se hizo el último campeonato de España de tenis playa.
Los jugadores integrantes de Canarias están formados por:
1. Octavio: campeón de Canarias 2007, subcampeón de Canarias 2008.
2. Antomi: subcampeón de consolación internacional de Barcelona 2008.
3. Nino: campeón de Canarias 2007, subcampeón de Canarias 2008, cuarto en el internacional de Torredembarra 2008, semifinalista del campeonato de España 2008, campeón de mixtos de Gran Canaria 2007 y 2008.
4. Antonio: subcampeón de Gran Canaria 2008.
5. Noa: subcampeona mixtos de Gran Canaria 2008.
6. Arancha: campeona de 2ª categoría femenina Volavi 2008.
7. Aroa: manager.

Suerte a este equipo que va con toda la ilusión del mundo a representar a Canarias y a España

jueves, 23 de julio de 2009

Classifying Championship for the Spanish Beach Tennis Tournament 2009

Several matches have already taken place in some Spanish communities and they will classify the players for the Spanish Beach Tennis tournament 2009. The list of winners is as follows:

Male Champions: Roberto Fernández and Alejandro Silva
Female Champions: Cristina Argüeso and Maria Pardo.

Male Champions: : Marc Santin y Adrià Martínez.
Female Champions: Alessandra Ferrando y Anna Bobé.

Congratulations to the teams and we will keep on informing about the results of the Championships taking place in Andalusia, Ceuta, Galicia, Melilla, Valence, Balearic and Canary Islands.

Campeones clasificados para el Campeonato de España de Beach Tennis 2009

Ya se han disputado varios campeonatos clasificatorios para el Campeonato de España de beach tennis 2009 en las siguientes comunidades autónomas:

Principado de Asturias:
campeones: Roberto Fernández y Alejandro Silva.
campeonas: Cristina Argüeso y María Pardo.

campeones: Marc Santin y Adrià Martínez.
campeonas: Alessandra Ferrando y Anna Bobé.

Próximos campeonatos clasificatorios:

Galicia: 1 y 2 de Agosto en Playa de Samil, Vigo. Cierre de inscripciones: Jueves 30 de Julio de 2009 a las 20.00 horas. Inscripción en

Baleares: 15 y 16 de Agosto en Bahía Azul, Mallorca. Cierre de inscripciones: Jueves 13 de Agosto a las 12:00. Información e inscripcones
Alex: Mov. 651-535475.

Felicidades a todos ellos, seguiremos informando sobre los campeonatos en Andalucía, Baleares, Canarias, Ceuta, Galicia, Melilla y Comunidad Valenciana.

martes, 14 de julio de 2009

Welcome to the children of the new generation of Beach Tennis

We want to welcome the group of kids who are coming lately to learn how to play Beach Tennis. We refer to Daniel, Alejandro and Alberto, who have shown great potential in this matter.

Alejandro and Daniel are siblings and only 11 years old. Daniel is left handed and Alejandro and Alberto are right handed. The siblings play football very well and we hope they'll reach the same level at Beach tennis.

The future of Beach Tennis in the Canary islands is guaranteed with this new generation.I would like to take this opportunity to thank their parents for their support with this new sport.

Arancha, Nino

jueves, 9 de julio de 2009

Three couples from the Canary Islands will represent Spain in the Beach Tennis World Championship in Italy

José, Octavio, Aroa and Arancha, the 3 last members of the Team

We are proud to announce that the team representing Spain, to play the World Championship of Beach Tennis in Riccione that takes place from July 27th to August 2nd, will be formed by three couples coming from Gran Canaria (Canary Islands).
The couples are as follows:
Male teams:
First couple: Nino Mireles (champion of Canary Islands 2007 and run-up 2008; semifinalist championships Spain 2008, 40 Torredembarra´s international 2008 ), nº 42 in the ITF ranking and Antomy Ramos, run-up consolation international´s Barcelona 2008.
Second Couple:
Octavio Santana (champions of Canary Islands 2007 and run-up 2008) and Antonio Yus ( run-up Gran Canaria 2008).
Female team: Noa Farías-Arancha Díaz.
The team manager will be our charming Aroa Sánchez. We wish this team the best of luck in their performance during the World Championship of Beach Tennis in Riccione.

Arancha, Nino

jueves, 2 de julio de 2009

Match Beach Tennis USA-Canary Islands 2010

The next year 2010 there are a huge event between USA and Canary Island, it will be the first match between a team of Beach Tennis come from Canary Islands and other outside of this islands, precisely from USA.
When we close the negotiations I will put more information about the date and the number of couples participating in men and women.
The first match is going to celebrate here in Canary Islands, the second match of return is going to celebrate in USA.
Thanks to our friend Adrienne responsible of Beach Tennis IFBT in USA to promote this nice idea. See you and your team soon, the next year 2010, we hope you really like our island,

miércoles, 1 de julio de 2009

Beach Tennis Tour 2009 in Austria

Berndt, the responsible of Beach Tennis in Autria, on the top left.

Here we have a nice picture of some players of Beach Tennis in Austria. We want to congratulate to Berndt to his job promoting Beach Tennis in Austria.

We want to remember the web in Austria where you can see all relationed to Beach Tennis, it is and the email of contact is

And finally too we want to remember to all the lovers of beach tennis the rest of tournaments in this beatiful country in order to if you are on holidays there you can have a funny time playing there. This is the rest of event in the calendar of Beach Tennis Tour 2009 in Austria:
1. Turnier: Kat. I, Salzburg (Anif), 4 July
2. Turnier: Kat. II, Neusiedl am See, 19 July
3. Turnier: Kat. I, Wiener Neudorf (Kahrteich), 8 August
4.Turnier: Kat. I, Bruck/Leitha (Parkbad/Hauptplatz), 28/29 August
5. Österreichische Meisterschaften: Kat. I: Wiener Neudorf (Kahrteich), 5/6 September
I encourage you to play in some of these tournaments, the best luck to you.

Castel Romano Outlet Designer 4°Tappa 4 July

Castel Romano Outlet Designer 4°Tappa :
Saturday 4 of July at 9:00.
Date and Time beginning: Saturday, 04 of July at 9:00
Ending: Sunday, 05 of July at 19:00
Place: Alta Marea

Beach Tennis IFBT-USA 4th July Bash

Event: Beach Tennis IFBT-USA 4th July Bash
Celebrate on the beach..."
Organizer: Beach Tennis IFBT-USA
Date and Time of beginning: Saturday, 4 of July at 13:00
Ending: Saturday, 4 of July at 21:00
Place: Deerfield Beach.

MBT - KING Beach Tennis Tour 2009 4-5 July

Saturday 4 Sunday 5 July MBT - KING Beach Tennis Tour 2009 :
Saturday 4 July:
Time 13:45 Amatori Tabellone A-B
Time 14:00 Under 21
Time 14:00 OPEN Men, Women Gironi Eliminatori
Sunday 5 July:
Time 9:00 Under 10 - 12 - 14
Time 9:20 Under 16
Time 10:00 OPEN Men Ottavi / Quarti / Semi
Time 13:45 Final Amatori e Principianti
Teléfono: 3296839918
Place: Spiaggia 72 HANA-BIMarina di Ravenna
Info and Inscription: BILLO 329 6839918